Car Park Rules
As you know the car park on the first day back to school is always extremely busy with new Juniors/preschool starting. This year it will be even more hectic as building work is still going on and half the teacher’s car park will be unusable. We therefore would encourage any parent who wishes to go into the yard with your child/children to park in the church car park and walk to the school. Please do not park at Earl’s Court. Please do not block laneways or house access as this can put lives in danger If you are parking in the school car park please abide by the rules and be patient.
Car Park Rules
- No dropping off on the roundabout.
- Please reverse into parking space.
- Leave the car park as soon as possible.
- The car park has a one-way system in operation.
- No right turn on exiting on to the road.
- Please do not use the limited number of disabled spaces at the front of the school without a displayed permit.
- Please do not park in front of cars parked in the middle row of the car park, drive around until a proper space is available.
- Parking on footpaths and green verges outside school gates is not permitted.
- Please inform grandparents/childminders or anyone who may be dropping off or picking up children the car park rules.
- Persistent offenders will be refused access to the car park.